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My Unique New Year Resolutions

December 19, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

My forth toastmasters speech on “how to say it”, enjoy!

Christmas Day is coming is 6 days, and there are only 13 days left until the New Year!

It is always the count down that is fun.. Go shopping, go have big meals, go parties!

But at the same time, have you come up with your New Year Resolutions?

A New Year Resolution is some promises you want to make and keep for the coming year. Usually something that takes up courage and persistence.

Some common resolutions are to do more exercises, to watch less TV, or to call up friends instead of Facebook.

I will share with you my New Year Resolutions. They can help you to get richer, get smarter, and get more famous. These will be my public declaration of my promises to myself, and hopefully they can give you some inspiration when you want to have your own ones. Consider them as some food for thought.

1. Memorize something crazy

In the old time, people memorized things, because if they didn’t they would have to look it up on the bookshelves, in the library or in the encyclopedia.

Nowadays, we found everything online, such as which bus to get on to get to places.
We don’t memorize phone numbers because everything sync with each other. I don’t even remember my home phone number.

But, memory is important.

Here is one quiz to test your memory, try reading a newspaper in the morning, and then close the newspaper and recall how many stories you have read. I can do no more than 5.

Here are some exercise to train your brain. For example, my goal is to memorize A to Z backward, so as to impress my 2 year old son. Some people like to train themselves by memorize decimal numbers Pi. These are techniques to train your brain.

2. Put 5 into a piggy bank every day

I want to see if my little box on my desk can hold 365 $5 coins.

Or yet, I want to see whether I can save 1,820 with absolutely no effort at all, saving money like a snowball. Warren Buffet said that to make a snowball, you only need a little bit of wet snow and a long slope. Same idea here. You need little effort and 365 days.

The key is to determine what to buy with the 1,820 to give myself more motivation. Do I spend on buying a new digital camera? Clothes? Or next years Xmas buffet?

These I’m not sure yet, let me know if you have good ideas. Maybe next year I found that I can afford $10 each day!

3. Last but not least is to get my name onto a newspaper not for bad reasons

Get out and work towards it. Make a difference, Find editors of smaller newspaper.

Think about for what reason I should be shown. Maybe I can submit an article, I can do something crazy and write a story about it. The point is not to get famous, but to do something that I have never done before.

Now, these are my New Year Resolutions. You may find that these are pretty silly. Memorize A-Z backward? Save $5 a day? Make your name appear on Newspaper?

But think about it, We don’t have to do everything with a serious purpose. During year end many of us have been doing year end performance evaluation, in which we have to set goals and stuffs like that.

Lets take a break! Our childhood disappeared along the way when we started to think everything too realistically. New Year Resolutions are really for fun, so you can make things up just because you feel like it!

By the way, when i told a wise man about my New Year Resolutions, he asked me why not start today? If I cannot start today, I cannot start after the new year. If you are like me and will come up with your New Year Resoltuions, I strongly suggest that you start today. Today is already the tomorrow of yesterday.

Because of this advice, I have already $35 in my piggy bank!

Good luck and have a Merry Christmas.

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